Students Honor Heroes, Remember Lives Lost During September 11 Memorial Events

Students Honor Heroes, Remember Lives Lost During September 11 Memorial Events

Wednesday September 11, 2024

Students participated today in a 2,200-step journey at the Independence High School football stadium. Each step taken symbolized the dedication, courage, and sacrifices the first responders called to duty on Sept. 11, 2001.

Even though they were not yet born when the tragic events of September 11, 2001 unfolded, a new generation is stepping up to honor and remember the day that forever changed America. Across Kern County today, young people organized and participated in memorial events, paying tribute to the victims, first responders, and all those impacted by the attacks.

Among the memorials were students from the Kern High School District’s Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) and Regional Occupational Center (ROC) who came together to participate in a 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb. The event served as a tribute to the heroic efforts of the first responders who bravely climbed 110 stories — or 2,200 steps — to save lives during the tragic events at the World Trade Center.

The memorial event brought together students from the Fire Technology, Law Enforcement, and Logistics & Distribution programs, in partnership with students from the Digital Marketing & Media Design program and the SkillsUSA Kern High Chapter. The event started at the CTEC campus, where students and staff then proceeded to the Independence High School football stadium to embark on a 2,200-step journey on the stadium’s bleachers. Each step taken symbolizes the dedication, courage, and sacrifice of the firefighters who responded to the call of duty on that fateful day. 

In a show of solidarity and support, local emergency services personnel and military members were invited by the Fire Technology, Law Enforcement and the Logistics & Distribution programs to join in the memorial stair climb. This partnership emphasizes the strong community ties and mutual respect between ROC CTEC students and local service members. Students from the Digital Marketing & Media Design program and SkillsUSA Kern High chapter oversaw the event’s promotion, creating snack packs, and documenting the day’s activities. 

Meanwhile at Bakersfield High School (BHS), students and staff gathered to reflect on the tragedy that changed the nation forever. Since 2001, the BHS Junior ROTC program has held an annual 9/11 Memorial Tribute at Elm Grove, creating a space for reflection, respect, and remembrance.

The morning began with the Color Guard posting the colors, followed by the National Anthem. As the American Flag waved in the breeze, history teacher Jeremy Adams delivered a heartfelt tribute over the PA system, reminding everyone of the importance of honoring the lives lost. The ceremony concluded with students and staff standing for a moment of silence, paying their respects to the victims of that day, followed by the playing of Taps.

For JROTC cadet Adelin Delao, the ceremony serves as a reminder of the enduring impact of that tragic day.

“I wasn’t alive, but I sure feel the after-effects,” shared Delao, a senior in the program. “I know that a lot of my teachers and family remember that day. We have a lot of veterans on campus, and the day means a lot to them, so I want to pay my respects to them and those who lost their lives. It’s just so tragic.”

BHS wasn’t the only school commemorating this somber day. At Arvin and South high schools, their JROTC programs also held special remembrance ceremonies, inviting students and staff members to join them. Together, they honored the following with the National Anthem and shared memories from that fateful day, ensuring the significance of 9/11 lives in the hearts of the next generation.

Photos courtesy of the Kern High School District.

Erin Briscoe

Erin Briscoe

Erin serves as the Kern High School District Public Information and Communications Manager.